
Friday, May 11, 2012

So Delicious Greek Style Cultured Coconut Milk

Strawberry flavor - lid already removed (obviously)

First review! Let's go!

Ok, I've been wanting to try this stuff since So Delicious first announced they were coming out with a greek style yogurt. With all the rage going on about greek yogurt I've been very curious to try it. I just wonder why it took so long for someone to do a vegan version, as popular as it is right now. 

What is greek yogurt? Well, for the traditional dairy variety, it's a strained yogurt that is thicker and creamier than the standard variety. Typically it is also lower in sugar and higher in protein as well; which seems to be the main reasons why it's gaining so much popularity as of late. So how does our coconut based variety differ? To be honest, I am not entirely sure. I've never in my life had dairy greek yogurt before, so I can't really compare from that angle. So Delicious's website isn't too forthcoming with information either, only describing it as "thick and creamy." Hmmmm. 

My thorough analysis after the break!

Cost. This is what I really dislike most about this particular product. It's a tad pricey, at least compared to other non-dairy yogurts. Honestly, it's the reason why I shied away from the product until recently, when I caved in and bought one. Just one. At my local Whole Foods (the only place I can find it around here) it costs a whopping $2 per 6 oz container. Most other non-dairy yogurts I can find for about half the price. Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I've never seen this stuff go on sale either. I suppose if you really want to try it but can't quite stomach the price, you can try your luck signing up to receive coupons at the So Delicious site. 

Packaging. From a first impression, there's no way to miss the fact that this is supposed to be greek yogurt. It's kinda over the top really. It also has an unusual shape I've never seen used before for any kind of yogurt, I suppose to really set it apart from others. Other than that it's packaged just like any other yogurt; a difficult-to-recycle #5 plastic cup with a peel-back lid. With my particular yogurt, the lid was rather difficult to peel and ripped apart when I tried to remove it. I did eventually get it off and I'm going to assume this one was just a fluke.

Health/Nutrition. For those with sensitivities, it's soy free and certified gluten free. The only allergen warning on it is for coconut (well, duh). It's got six active cultures to boost your digestive health! It's also made with organic coconuts, yay! 

I took some time looking up nutrition info for dairy greek yogurts to compare and I guess this should come as to no surprise, but the high fat, plain variety doesn't seem too popular; most sites seem to feature the no-fat, sugar/fruit filled varieties. So there really isn't an even/fair comparison nutrition wise for the most part. Anyway, check out So Delicious's site for detailed nutrition info other than my analysis here. 

  • Calories: The So Delicious greek yogurts come in at 130 calories per serving/container, which is about the same as what you would expect from the non-fat dairy varieties, the full fat versions are close to 200 calories per serving. 
  • Fat: The coconut yogurt has 4.5 grams per serving, far less than the standard dairy variety, but most of that fat is saturated, 3.5 grams, no bueno! For someone such as myself who is looking to lose weight, the fat content is a little steep for me, but should be fine for anyone else not watching their waistline. 
  • Carbohydrates: It's got 25 grams overall. Eight grams of dietary fiber, very nice! None of the dairy yogurts I looked at had any fiber whatsoever. Not that a vegan should have any kind of difficulty getting fiber, a little more certainly wouldn't hurt! It's got 11 grams of sugars, which seems kinda bad at first, until you compare it to the fruity dairy varieties that all have a good bit more. 
  • Protein: Okay, this is where our coconut yogurt bombs completely. For a style of yogurt that's reputed as having very high protein, I was extremely disappointed to discover that this had a meager two grams per serving! The lowest I saw in any of the dairy varieties was 11 grams. Boooooo :(
  • Sodium: I'm not personally concerned with sodium but I imagine some of you might be. It has only 115 mg (5%). Not bad!
  • Micronutrients: It's great source of calcium, vitamin D, B12 and magnesium. Yay! 

Post-stir. Looks gross :(

 Yum Factor. Time to dig in! The second I popped it open I noticed an almost perfect smooth, glossy surface. I also noticed some liquid separation around the edges so I figured it might be a good idea to give it a good stir before eating. This is when I noticed the almost grainy lumpiness of it. For visual appeal that was a huge turn off! Thankfully it didn't seem to impact the overall mouth feel too much so I was still able to enjoy eating it. The texture was definitely thicker than the soy yogurts I'm used to, but on account of the lumpy-ness I would not say it was creamier. To me, creamy implies smooth, and lumpy is not smooth! Perhaps this yogurt was just an anomaly, and I'll certainly update this in the future when I get around to trying the other flavors. 

The flavor itself was pleasant enough. Not too sweet, not too tangy, just right really. The strawberry flavor was nice & natural, no overpowering artificial flavors here! My only complaint is that I wish there was more strawberry, like actual big chunks. In this, the strawberry was pretty much completely pureed in. 

Other Tid Bits. It's certified vegan, no worrying about ingredients on this one! It's non-gmo verified and kosher-parve as well. Also, this stuff is made in Eugene, OR which pretty much makes it a local product for me!

All in all, I'm certainly willing to give the So Delicious Greek Style Cultured Coconut Milk another go, but not at full price. I'll try to nab some coupons and try to see if I can't find it on sale one of these days. 

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