
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Food Should Taste Good Harvest Pumpkin Tortilla Chips

Pumpkin spice!! In tortilla chip form?! What is this madness?? I was intrigued at the very idea of this pumpkin flavored snack, and I really had no idea what to expect! Was it any good? Let's find out!

Buying. I picked up this bag of chips at Fred Meyer on sale for $3. I know I've seen this flavor at other stores that sell the FSTG brand. Keep in mind this is a seasonal flavor and likely won't be around for too long.

The only place I have found this particular flavor online is directly from FSTG.

FSTG likes putting these info panels on their products. So handy!
Packaging. It's just a bag of chips. I was able to open it without requiring any other tools.

Nutrition. These are tortilla chips, they are junk food. Besides the cornmeal, these chips are mostly oil and seasoning. There is a touch of sugar in them too, but it's barely enough to even mention. Pumpkin does appear twice in the ingredients, which I find rather odd, how does the "just" pumpkin differ from the dried pumpkin? The world may never know.

Tasting. Upon first opening the bag, the sweet, spicy aroma of these chips nearly knocked me over. It gave me the expectation that they would be cloyingly sweet, thankfully that was not the case! I was really pleasantly surprised by the flavor of these chips, they do taste pumpkiny and the spice flavor was pleasant, but what surprised me the most is that they weren't very sweet at all. I gotta give props to FSTG for coming up with a pumpkin spice treat that's not sweet and it actually tastes good! The only unappealing thing about these chips was the color. I was expecting them to be orange-er, not quite so brown.

I did only eat these chips straight from the bag, without any kind of dip or salsa. I'm honestly not sure what kind of dip would pair well with these, FSTG does have some mostly non-vegan suggestions (recipes) on their website.

Last Words. While I liked these chips, I'm on the fence if I would actually get them again. Usually when I'm jonesing for tortilla chips, I want to eat them with salsa or as nachos. I don't think these chips would really work in either situation, unless I'm trying to make some kinda holiday themed nachos. Maybe next pumpkin spice season I'll pick them up again. If you love pumpkin spice and would love to try the flavor in a non-sweet application, definitely give these a go!

Food Should Taste Good website. These chips are certified vegan and gluten free.

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