
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ocho Coconut Bar

Time to review something sweet! And what's not to love about a combination of chocolate and coconut? In year's past, I would occasionally indulge in Sunspire's chocolate coconut bar, but it seemed to be inconsistently vegan, so I often felt wary about picking it up. Maybe they're more consistent now, but there's also other various vegan coconut bars out there now too! Is this one from Ocho any good? Read on to find out!

Buying. I purchased this specific bar at Whole Foods on sale for $1.50. Regular price was $2, which seems to be what it typically goes for everywhere else I've seen it. Online you can find some 3rd party vendors on Amazon selling by the case, or buy them directly from Ocho.

Out of the wrapper!

Unwrapping. This coconut bar comes exactly as any other candy bar, but it does have a nice aesthetic appearance. It is a bit on the small side at 1.4 oz, smaller than a whole mounds bar (I guess that would be technically 2 bars?), but it also doesn't have dairy and other garbage, so ha! Take that, hershey's!

Nutrition. Ok, this is a candy bar, something that intended to be junk food and not a nutritious meal, so I'm going easy on it. 

It's got 200 calories, and a little over half of those are from fat. Not surprising considering that this is just about all chocolate and coconut. For something that I would eat as a snack, 200 calories is acceptable. However, of the 13g of fat this has, 9 of them are saturated. 

Sodium is very low (35mg) so that's good! And surprisingly, it only has 13g of sugar, other typical candy bars can expect to have about twice as much. This lil bar even nets you 3g of fiber and 2g of protein!

Saturated fat aside, this is a pretty good choice to make for a "junky" treat! 

Cut in half for coconut viewing pleasure.

NOM. I should mention that I had this storing in my refrigerator when I went to devour it. It made the chocolate a little hard to cut through for my cross-section photo, but I do normally prefer my chocolate a little chilled. I want to say the chocolate layer was a bit thicker/harder than what I remember the Sunspire coconut bar having, but it's been so long since I've had one of those it's hard to compare. But the chocolate was good, not too bitter. The coconut was nice and moist. It's a good bar, I like it!

Bottom Line. Ocho's webpage. It's certified vegan! Yay! Though at the time of posting, this is Ocho's only vegan offering, I hope they make more in the future. It's also certified gluten free.

It seems a bit pricey, especially when you compare it to conventional candy bars, but this is definitely not a conventional candy bar and it's price is in line with more similar products. Also, this is not something I would really want to eat on a regular basis, but as an occasional treat it's perfectly fine. And with that in mind, I will likely buy these again when I've got a chocolate-coconut craving!

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